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5 Tips Your College Student Needs To Know About Healthy Vision

5 Tips Your College Student Needs To Know About Healthy Vision

Are you a parent with a child gearing up for their first year of college? Or are you a student ready to embark on the excitement of university life? As you navigate the transition between the carefree days of childhood and full-on adulting, it’s easy to overlook some essential details. That’s why now is the ideal time for you and your college-bound student to have a vital conversation with your optometrist. Before you pack up the minivan with “Go State” pennants, clothes, furniture, sports gear, and every sort of technology -- don’t forget those chargers! – talk with your soon-to-be college student about a key to their academic success: maintaining good...

5 Ways to Reduce or Prevent Diabetic Eye Disease

5 Ways to Reduce or Prevent Diabetic Eye Disease

November is American Diabetes Month. It’s estimated that more than 30 million adults over age 18 currently have diabetes, with another 84 million showing signs of prediabetes. For those over age 65, one in four have diabetes and its associated complications. Did...

13 Surprising Health Issues An Eye Exam Can Detect

13 Surprising Health Issues An Eye Exam Can Detect

In our previous post, we explored 7 serious health issues your optometrist can detect during your annual comprehensive eye exam. These include: Diabetes High Blood Pressure Thyroid disease Rheumatoid Arthritis Brain tumors High cholesterol Cancer But your...

7 Serious Health Issues An Eye Exam Can Detect

7 Serious Health Issues An Eye Exam Can Detect

The eyes are sometimes called the windows to the soul. That may be true, but for health purposes, they’re also a window that provides a clearer view of your total body health. Did you know that your optometrist can detect 20 or more health conditions that may be...

10 Ways Vision and Learning are Linked

10 Ways Vision and Learning are Linked

Whether your child is back in the classroom this year or learning virtually, you want your student to learn in the most effective way possible. Did you know that there’s one key factor in learning that is sometimes overlooked? That factor is how well the eyes...

5 Visual Skills Your Child Needs This School Year

5 Visual Skills Your Child Needs This School Year

While this back-to-school season is unlike every other back-to-school season we’ve ever experienced, one thing that remains the same: It’s important that your student is seeing their best so they can take advantage of every learning opportunity presented...

How Vision and Learning Go Together

How Vision and Learning Go Together

It’s back-to-school season. And whether that means in-person or virtual learning for the students in your school district, the vision needs and capabilities of school-age children remain the same. Making sure that your child has the visual skills necessary to...

How Eyelashes and Eyebrows Protect Your Eyes

How Eyelashes and Eyebrows Protect Your Eyes

Wearing a facial covering or mask—as many of us are doing this summer—draws a lot of attention to your eyes! Because of masks, you’re likely noticing other peoples’ eyes and eyebrows more than ever. Have you ever wondered why humans evolved to...