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What is Diabetic Eye Disease?

What is Diabetic Eye Disease?

6 Questions (and Answers!) About Diabetic Eye Disease November is American Diabetes Month. With more than 38 million Americans – 15% of our country’s adult population – experiencing diabetes, it’s an important time to bring awareness to this...

How Guide Dogs Empower the Blind and Visually Impaired

How Guide Dogs Empower the Blind and Visually Impaired

Earlier in October, we observed World Sight Day, a global event dedicated to raising awareness about eye health and preventing blindness. For people who have the gift of sight, navigating daily activities like crossing streets, shopping, and reading signs is second nature. But what if you or a loved one experiences a total loss of vision? For people who are either blind or severely visually impaired, a trained guide dog for the blind can literally transform their lives. Guide dogs empower the non-sighted population with dignity, independence, and renewed confidence by providing a reliable way that they can navigate the world safely. Though we don't have an exact count, an estimated 10,000...

9 Strategies to Adapt to Life With Low Vision

9 Strategies to Adapt to Life With Low Vision

February is Low Vision Awareness Month, a time to increase awareness of this condition which affects millions of Americans each day. Low vision is the term for a visual impairment that cannot be corrected by standard glasses, contact lenses, medication, or surgery....

3 Simple Metaphors To Explain Glaucoma

3 Simple Metaphors To Explain Glaucoma

January is Glaucoma Awareness Month. It is a time to increase awareness of this group of diseases that are known as the “silent thief of sight” because they are painless and symptom-free. Glaucoma cannot be prevented, and though there are treatments, there...

How Your Eye Doctor Diagnoses Glaucoma

How Your Eye Doctor Diagnoses Glaucoma

Happy 2023! As you start the new year, it’s a common practice to assess what you’re most thankful for and consider goals and resolutions to guide you in the coming 12 months. If you’re fortunate enough to have healthy eyes and good vision, please...

8 Ways To Protect Your Gift of Sight This Season

8 Ways To Protect Your Gift of Sight This Season

Optometrists often receive “eye-themed” cards and gifts for holidays and birthdays — and we love it. In December, we almost always get something that mentions the movie A Christmas Story. You may remember the film – it’s the one where...

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

The US Centers for Disease Control estimate that there are 37.3 million Americans living with diabetes. That’s about 10% of our nation’s population! What’s worse: About one in five of those people are not aware that they have this dangerous chronic...

How Does Diabetes Impact Your Eyes?

How Does Diabetes Impact Your Eyes?

It’s November: Time to shine a light on how diabetes impacts your eyes during Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month. Did you know that diabetes often affects a patient’s vision? And that uncontrolled diabetes is a top cause of blindness for people aged 74...

What are Eye Floaters?

What are Eye Floaters?

What are Eye Floaters? If you haven’t yet experienced floaters in the eye, it’s understandable that you may be puzzled about what they are and what they look like. However, as you age, floaters become more common. You will get used to seeing an oddly...

Why Retinal Detachment is an Eyecare Emergency

Why Retinal Detachment is an Eyecare Emergency

Why Retinal Detachment is an Eyecare Emergency Your retina is the extremely light-sensitive nerve tissue at the back of your eye that enables your eye to focus and see. The retina captures and processes incoming light and images, then passes that information to the...